Wake Up, Plan, Conquer 

This my motto for the week. ☺️ I struggled with staying positive about my work for a long time. That struggle turned into laziness and laziness is the gateway to downward habits that get me no where with my dreams. Here’s a watercolor snippet from my current art journal entry. 

  The laziness that almost took over had me questioning ALL of my decisions at one point. I was bringing in promising clients and would go all out with designs and concept sketches just to get: “Oh, I love them! I’ll let you know which one I want soon.” but ‘soon’ sometimes, wouldn’t come. It bothered me. I spent time to create and get nothing back? That can’t be fair. What if… 

“Am I doing the right thing?” “Maybe people don’t like my illustrations…” “I hope my family doesn’t suffer because of me.” 

All bad thoughts… 

Then one day, a few weeks ago, I had to stop those questions in my head and remind myself WHY I started in the first place. It wasn’t to be popular. It wasn’t to be rich. I started because I love to draw. Always have. Remembering something so simple, was the kind of wake up call I needed to stop the downward spiral of laziness that would only lead to giving up – something I’ve never done before.

   So I made my dream a priority again. I wake up early, meditate and have my coffee. Then, even if I don’t have an idea yet, I work. It’s getting easier to not overthink during my ‘conquer’ phase. Without those thoughts, I can’t talk myself out of anything. It’s a great feeling. 

   I continue to share my work. Not for others, but for myself. If I let my love and graditude show in my work, others will see that love and some will be compelled to reach out to me. That’s where the finance fun will truely begin. All in all, my faith is stronger than my fears. 

                                          Light and Love

Warm up Sketch of the day

* Warm Ups * My Triangle characters. 😻🤓 I tried to come up with as many illustrations within 30 minutes. Fun work before work fun helps me out when my brain is still trying to wake up. ❤️ 

World watercolor month Day 11 :Art Journal Entry

 Here’s a ‘summer veiw’ of last a trip to My mom’s. Wish we could have stayed longer. It was nice. Today’s warm-up watercolor became me playing Catch-up as well. 😁 Such is life. Scribbles and bad handwriting actually look pretty good together. Lol. ❤️

  I can’t be the only one who finds sloppiness kinda cool. 😳

World watercolor month Art challenge!Days 1-4

In case you haven’t noticed,  I am currently not very good at keeping consistent. So I decided to join the art challenge for July just to work on that. I have to, if I want to overcome some fears and conquer them. So, here’s day 1-7!

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4
I’m having a ball so far. But I am finding the challenge in keeping up to be pretty strong. I wear many hats in my house. I’ll just leave it there. I still believe if keep at this, it’ll only benefit be in the end. 

  Wish me luck…