Daily Affirmation thru Illustration : Unavoidable Mondays


    It’s Monday again. I know , I know, but hear me out. We are here, so we  may as well make the best of it, right? It seems on Mondays, the entire human race is cranky and unhappy. I think we all have a problem with letting the weekend go. Especially Sunday –  our day of rest. But be mindful of your thoughts at all times. Thoughts create things, so if you wake up and start your day, cranky, it’ll only continue since that’s the signal you are sending out to the universe. So, today’s Affirmation to combat this emotional warfare is the simplest thing you can say, that works the best. 

 ❤️ Daily Affirmation : Peace, be still ❤️ 

   Such a simple phrase yet at any given moment, it could be the very phrase that saves your day or stops you in your tracks when you feel a swear building in the back of your throat for the driver who cut you off on the road… again . This morning while taking my oldest, Chi, to school, I was cut off. I got mad but only because I was still so tired. Still, since I didn’t check myself emotionally, it happened two more times before I made it to the school.😒  The school is a three minute drive up the road. I had to check myself. I was spiraling down the wrong rabbit🐰 hole  and I knew it would only get more frustrating. Once I said the Affirmation, it didn’t matter what happend to me. I was blind  to the stupidity of others because I changed my focus. Sure enough, nothing else happend. 

   When you feel anger, irritation, sadness, or just overwhelmed, say this Affirmation. Take deep breaths and say it (eyes closed or open). You’ll feel at peace so fast, you won’t remember why you were mad to begin with. L. 

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